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3 Financial Tips We Learned From Dad

April 8, 2021 By: Great Midwest Bank

Because Father’s Day is right around the corner, we thought we would take a minute to pass on some words of advice from some of the men in our lives that have influenced us the most, our dads.

Not only did these wonderful guys help to shape what we find interesting and what we find funny, they also tried to pass along words of wisdom to help us live independently as we grew up.

Here are three of dad’s financial tips that we still hold dear to this day:

  1. Money doesn’t grow on trees
    Maybe we were fooled by the green color of those leaf-like bills, but at an early age our fathers made sure we knew money isn’t something that just appears like wild strawberries.  It’s something that should be earned. Not only that, but these days being financially independent is essential if you want the freedom to live the life you want.
  1. Always give back
    This isn’t something our fathers taught us, but rather something they showed us. Through their volunteering, financial donations and willingness to help out their neighbors, we were taught young that supporting your community is one of the most rewarding things a person can do.
  1. You can’t take it with you when you go
    It’s true! Our fathers never forgot to remind us that life is short, so live it to its fullest. Don’t spend too much time saving and not enough time living. While it’s important to be financially responsible, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t splurge on a trip to Italy or a cooking class once in a while.

Take some time this Father’s Day to call your Dad and thank him for all of the memories, the adventures and the words of wisdom. And for those of you who are dads yourself, don’t forget to pass along these essential lessons to your kids. They’ll thank you later in life for passing along these financial tips.

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Photo credit: lucianvenutian / Foter / CC BY-SA